Product Pilot Launch The Defib GPS tracker pilot has officially begun

Defib Ready Team

The Defib Ready pilot is in full swing. 45 life-saving defibrillators are being upgraded to provide usage tracking and environmental monitoring.

45 life-saving defibrillators are being upgraded to provide GPS tracking and environmental monitoring
45 life-saving defibrillators are being upgraded to provide GPS tracking and environmental monitoring

The Defib Ready pilot is in full swing. 45 life-saving defibrillators are being upgraded to provide usage tracking and environmental monitoring via a dedicated guardian app. The trial, running across Cornwall, Stoke-on-trent, and Peterborough, will help communities to keep their defibrillator networks well-maintained and ready for use at a moment's notice.

The goal of Defib Ready is to ensure that every defibrillator is refreshed within hours of deployment. Research shows that deploying a defibrillator within 3–5 minutes of collapse can boost survival rates to 50–70%. For every minute’s delay in deploying a defibrillator, the odds of survival are reduced by about 10%.

The pilot has only been possible thanks to the support from the Smartline project. Smartline has funded the exploration of hardware options, allowing the Tango3 team to make well-informed choices about hardware selection for the pilot. Smartline also connected the Tango3 team with relevant academics in the field of cardiac care.

Smartline has been funded in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by the European Union Regional Development Fund in order to help local businesses develop new technologies and increase job opportunities in the county. The research project is looking at how technology can be used to help people live healthier and happier lives, led by the University of Exeter with Coastline Housing, Cornwall Council, Volunteer Cornwall and the South West Academic Health Science Network.

Tracker in place on public defib

Defib Ready is the first stand-alone product that Tango3 is bringing to market. It’s a solution for both businesses and communities of AED guardians to adopt to help manage and maintain public access defibrillators. With an estimated 100,000 installed across the UK, and guardian checks recommended once a week, there are 5.2 million opportunities to make a defib ready each year. Our system makes guardian checks a straightforward and auditable process.

Since 2014, Tango3 has been helping to build, deploy and manage a network of defibrillators across Cornwall in partnership with Duchy Defibrillators. Our existing cabinet monitoring solution and management application have helped the community guardians keep defibrillator turnaround time to a minimum. The Defib Ready product builds upon this expertise, improving both the hardware and software aspects. The result is clearer help and advice for guardians as well as more accurate data for community owners.

Get in contact if you’d like to talk to us about improving the management of your defibrillator network. Rescuers only get one chance. Be Defib Ready.

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