Defibrillator management made easy

Nearly 1 in 3 community defibrillators have not been checked within the last month.

Rescuers only get ONE chance

The system for managing defibrillators and guardian communities.

Defib Ready creates strong guardian communities.

Defib Ready simplifies AED programme management.

Defib Ready can have realtime location tracking.

App screenshotdefib ready | guardian app screen shot

Our vision

Everybody is within 3 minutes of a serviceable, emergency ready defibrillator.

Because rescuers only get ONE chance

Unbelievably simple

Keeping on top of regular AED checks is challenging but crictical. Based on nearly 10 years of experience, Defib Ready has everything you need to simplify the management of any size fleet of defibrillators.

The Guardian App

Focused on speed and simplicity, the app allows guardians to record checks and raise issues.


Defib management console

A comprehensive web-based tool to plan, manage and monitor the realtime status of your defibrillator fleet.


GPS defibrillator tracker

Attach a tracker to your AED to monitor your cabinet and get alerts on deployment with realtime tracking


Simplify the management of 10s - 100s - 1000s of defibs

The Guardian App

Build an effective community of guardians

The Guardian app is an easy way to record AED checks and report problems.

Making checks easy.
The 100% customisable wizard makes checks consistent, quick and easy for your guardians.
Get notified of problems as they're found.
If a defib fails a check you get notified straight away. You can then take action, schedule maintenance and, if neccessary, temporarily deactivate the defib on the circuit.
Never miss a check.
Automated notifications remind guardians of upcoming and overdue checks.
App screenshotdefib ready | guardian app screen shot

Defib Management Console

Manage all your defibs in one place

View the condition of of your AED fleet at a glance, track deployments and manage your guardian community, all from one easy to use desktop web app.

Quickly view defib status across your fleet.
Easily identify defibs that require maintenance and focus on getting them back to Emergency Ready
Plan your defib coverage.
Visualise the coverage of your defib locations and identify areas that are outside of the 3 minute target
Manage Guardians.
Create and manage groups of guardians, manage access, view their activity with individual and group messaging
Audit trail of defib checks and events.
Full history of every action by defib and user
Defib Ready management console

GPS Defibrillator Tracker

Tracked AED deployments so you can recover faster

A cardiac arrest is a stressful event, with all focus on the casualty. The defibrillator can end up in the back of an ambulance, in a police station, pub or local shop. Finding and recovering it takes effort and time, meanwhile it's not available for the next emergency.

Deployment alerts
Our system combines GPS and motion sensors to promptly notify you of defibrillator deployments and track its location.
Live location when your defib is deployed so you know where is is
Gps and motion tracking technology enables real-time monitoring of your defibrillator, facilitating prompt retrieval and resetting for the next emergency.
See where its been
Track your defibrillator's location history with complete visibility into its journey.
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Don't lock it, track it!

Unlocked cabinets save critical seconds during a rescue, but what about theft?

With our GPS tracker add-on, you know exactly where your defib is.